Macroblogging met Woofer, Twitter met een extra nulletje

Twitter met een extra nulletje. Een nulletje áchter de verplichte 140 tekens, wel te verstaan. Dat is macroblogging met Woofer. Woofer, de anti-twitter, zoals SearchEngineWatch het omschrijft. 1400 tekens keiharde nonsens, dat is Woofer vooral, getuige de vele dwaze woofs.

Woofer hilarisch
Meer in de categorie briljante entertainment dan de plek waar we als ultrahippe early-adeptende marketeer/PR-tweep tof moeten gaan lopen doen om te ontdekken welke fán-tas-tische mogelijkheden dít Woofer in de nabije toekomst biedt voor onze klanten. Maar toch. Best hilarisch.

Deze woof - 1400 tekens dus, jawel - van urbanrawfood wilde ik u niet onthouden:

"What is this woofer? Do I need to sign up? Where is the sign up link? I'm confused. Interesting that they want me to keep typing aimlessly so that I can reach 1400 characters and finally be able to push that lil update button below. This is some bullshit. If I wanted to type this much I would just go to my blog Oh my goodness. Again, this is so crazy. Get a tumblr for this bull. This was not well thought out people. LOL. *sigh* As Sarah Marshall said, "Bull-shit, bull-shit, bull-shit!" LOL. Damn, 840 characters to go. *sigh* UM................................................................................................................................................................
LOL. I don't even feel like holding the period key down for long enough to make that fill in the space. I should just copy and past the consititution into this box. Damn. I think 500 charaters would have been better. Otherwise, you might as well blog. 390 characters left. Still typing. Still typing. Still..............................................................................................................................................typing. LOL LOL LOL LOL LOL LOL! Crazy. And the funny thing.......they are just going to put in the "more" link anyway. It would be different if people could just read w/o clicking. whew!!!!"

Met dank aan @2525 voor de tip. Marketing + PR Visie: over PR 2.0 en Social Media Marketing. Door Remco Janssen.